Wednesday, December 7, 2011


So now that we have a plan sorta in place, I feel like lots of things are coming together for us.
I found a bunch of apartments we can afford, emailed an agent to work with on finding a place, and discovered that Honduras does, in fact, have a form of Walmart.

I also found a hotel we can stay at while looking for our home. They will pick us up at the airport, even though it's over an hour away. And the best part, it's located less than a mile from the Kingdom Hall. Hope we find an apartment that close.

The bank is being a little difficult, but it's just paperwork.

We're getting in to the doctor to work on the immunizations we need, not looking forward to that so much. Most everything we need is a series of shots.

I'd had a doctor appointment on Feb 29, which only caused a slight problem with the idea of leaving mid-February. Thankfully, I was able to move it up to the week of the CO visit, so now we are free to leave when we want. We were planning on waiting until after the CO visit to go anyway.

The one thing we don't know about is pioneer school. We plan to be back here in time for me to go, but if we are gone long enough, they might forget to put me on the list. So I have to make sure I won't get forgotten, or I'll have to try to go in Honduras. That would require a visa extension, which we might not get. So it's a slightly precarious position to be in, because I really don't want to miss out on that privledge, and who knows where we will be the next year.

I'm sure it'll all work out. Everything else has.

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