Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I know all of you back home must be freezing like crazy, but we envy you. We really miss the snow, and from what I hear, Honduras doesn't get snow too often. Imagine that....
Not that we aren't having storms of our own though. Ours are more of the rain and wind variety though. There's been a few times we've wanted to compare the wind to a tornado (a mild one, of course) (and usually at 3 am) and the street has turned into a river.
Also, it's rained so much, I think my garden has died.

Our neighbors have finally moved in, they got the majority of the apartment remodeled while we were gone. Something they discovered was that the water pressure was not what it should be, and since they had been living just down the street, they knew it wasn't natural. So they called in a plumber....and now I can take an actual shower that doesn't involve a bucket.

Then again, with all the rain, I could have taken a non-bucket shower outside anyway.

Side note: Does this mean we now live in a Missionary Home? Since we live in a home, with Missionaries?

The 2014 Yearbook is up on and if you haven't downloaded it yet, you should. Honduras had a 5% increase this year. Our Circuit had an average 5.5% increase!
Some other stats:

  • There are 237% more Witnesses worldwide than people in Honduras. 
  • Honduras has an average of 1 publisher to every 367 people. The USA is 1:262.
  • There are 368 congregations in 6 languages, and yes, that includes Chinese. (Summer and Danielle, that means you have to visit now.)
  • 771 were baptized last year, which is approx. 2 per day.

Speaking of Circuits, we have the Assembly this weekend in El Progreso. There should be lots of pictures for you next week.

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