Friday, October 3, 2014

I'm a Terrible Person

Did you miss us? We missed you. I've been horribly lazy about writing lately. Sorry :(

So... what have we been up to in the last month?

When we left off, I was going to Colorado. Well, I did that. It was awesome. I had been a little sad to go in September when it wasn't going to actually be cold, because I miss the snow. Well, somehow there was a freak storm and we actually got a tiny bit of snow. I think it's because my Grandma came out to see me, and every time she comes to Colorado it snows.

So, I came back from Colorado. We moved apartments. Our new place is pretty awesome, we have two bedrooms, so we have room for guests. I'm excited about that. Of course, it felt really silly to be moving literally around the corner, we are still on the same block. And Zach's primo Curtis moved down here. For one of his first service experiences, cows tried to interrupt the call he was on. Also, they may have considered climbing over the truck to get to him, but that's unrelated.

Two weeks ago, Zach's study came to the meeting with his mom and sister. The mom already studies with another sister in the hall, and another son studies with a brother in a Spanish congregation. We didn't even know he was coming, so that was a nice surprise. Then, his sister, who has been on the island for a while, said that she would like a study as well. So last Saturday she sat in on her brother's study and tomorrow I am going to start studying with her.

We also started our invitation campaign for the Convention last week. We have the Convention in El Salvador in two weeks. In the meantime, Zach is currently in California. He had to renew his visa before heading to Salvador so he doesn't get turned away at the border, which actually happened to a lot of friends last year.

So..convention in two weeks, CO visit in November, and we have visitors coming in December and January from Germany, Warwick and New Zealand. It's going to be very busy, I think.

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