Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Today's Post Has a Very Special Appearance By...

Today we have some more photos of the RBC. And who do we have in the first picture? Is that? No, it can't be! 
Why yes, that is none other than the oft-mentioned but rarely heard from or seen Zachariah.
We don't get many photos of him, so in case you had forgotten what he looks like, here's a refresher.

 (He's the one in orange. Do you see him now?)

This used to be a Kingdom Hall. Now it's a safe place to keep all your old insulation and drywall.

This is my department. Don't they look hard at work? Yeah, I didn't think so either. It's a rough job but someone's gotta do it. 

A very sad thought occurred to me today. I may never actually see the finished product here. The project won't be over until at least February, at which point we intend to be in El Salvador. If we ever do come back to California, we aren't assigned to this Assembly Hall. 

So, it seems quite likely that I will miss out the completion. Unless one of my dear readers would like to send me updates. Cause that would be cool of you. 

At any rate, I hear the kitchen is coming down before we leave. That will be fun to see. 

1 comment:

  1. Thats me in the bunny suit!! Hehe i would most defintely try to post pics.


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