Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Well after four weeks of nonstop whining about how I want to pack but can't, we are finally done packing. Here's a picture of what we are taking.

Four very full medium sized suitcases that I pray will not be above the weight limit. We have already checked twice, and reshuffled things, I just don't think it's gonna get any better. We have two carry on suitcases, which is a result of overstuffing the first four, then we have my backpack and the laptop case with odds and ends we will need for the flight. How two people are going to wrangle eight awkward items through airports and customs and moving from one end of town to another, I do not know. But right now I'm trying to be as zen as possible about this whole thing, so I do not care. I will deal with that part tomorrow.

The enormity of what we are doing has finally hit me. We were at meeting last night, to say goodbye to everyone and I just couldn't do it. When I hugged my little brother I just started bawling, and that was it. So we didn't get to say goodbye to everyone. If you are reading this and I didn't talk to you, I'm really sorry and you will be missed greatly.

This time (1145am) tomorrow we will be on the plane from Miami to San Pedro Sula. Once we arrive, we have a 2.5 hour drive from the airport to La Ceiba, where we will be living. We are staying in a hotel for the first week, and they have wifi, so I will update as soon as I can. Hopefully with pictures.

For now, we're just hanging out trying to kill time until we go to the airport. I thought waiting 2 months to go was gonna take forever, it's nothing compared to how the next six hours are going to feel. I'm ready to go. This may be the craziest thing we've ever done, but if we rely on Jehovah, I know it's going to be ok.

Love to everyone

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